Carsaric and Arranna

Carsaric and Arranna

Discover the history behind the creation of the Carsaric and Arranna races.

The Creation of the Carsaric and Arranna

In a time long past, in an age of Higher Magic, two rival Arcanists at the height of their power engaged in a war against one another. At first, the two fought in a magical duel, unleashing powerful elemental blasts, summoning horrendous otherworldly beings, and warping the fabrics of space-time and reality. Despite this battle lasting for countless hours, the two rivals could not triumph over one another.

Yet, instead of calling the battle a draw and leaving the field with mutual respect, each withdrew to their Spell Towers, consumed with bitterness and hatred towards their rival. Thus began what historians would later call the “War of Two Wizards.”

The two Arcanists began building armies and unleashing them against one another. Though each army continued to be stalemated or completely destroyed by the other, the war persisted until neither of the Arcanists could find anyone willing to become soldiers in their armies. However, this did not curb the Arcanists’ drive, and each began applying their magical abilities towards creating the perfect warrior servants.

The First of the Carsaric and the Arranna emerged from the Arch-Mages’ Towers. It’s unclear exactly what went into the process of creating these beings—whether other intelligent beings were merged with lower animals or if they were crafted from arcane materials like golems. What is known is that the Carsaric possess all the attributes of Canines, while the Arranna share the attributes of Felines.

What started out as a small group of each eventually grew in size, until both species were numerous enough to field armies. For years, the war continued, with the Carsaric and Arranna battling one another, neither side gaining more of an advantage. The stalemate continued, unnoticed by the Arcanists.

However, what the two Arcanists didn’t count on was a contingent of Arranna and Carsaric coming to an agreement to end the bloodshed between their fledgling species before they were destroyed in a senseless war. The Arranna and Carsaric turned on their masters, allowing a group of their rival’s warriors access to the spell towers.

The Arcanists were finally slain, and the battle ended. The Carsaric and Arranna were able to live in peace, no longer as tools in the engine of war, but as free beings.

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