Health and Safety
Health and Safety Policy and Rules
Health, Safety, and Important Guidelines
Here at Dracanus, your health and safety are our primary concern. Our goal is to provide an environment where players can have fun and positively interact with each other. However, we are not doctors, psychologists, or professionals equipped to handle more than basic care. Each player is responsible for ensuring they are in a physical and mental state to positively interact with others and the game.
- If a situation negatively affects you: Avoid or withdraw from it.
- Safe Space: We provide a designated “safe space” for decompression.
- Communicate: Speak to Administration Staff if there are themes or scenarios that might affect your well-being, this way we can adjust the scenario or recommend that you avoid it for your well-being.
Note: Administration and Marshals may remove any player from game at their discretion.
Drugs, Alcohol, and Intoxicants
Dracanus does not permit those under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other mind-altering substances to participate or remain on-site. If it’s not prescribed, don’t bring it to the game.
Note: Despite the legalization of marijuana, we prohibit its recreational use during events. Medical use is allowed, but participants may not be permitted to engage in events under its effects at the discretion of Administration and Marshalls.
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Here at Dracanus, our players are made up of people from different religions, cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders. We are all here to have a good time, to escape reality, to socialize and to have fun. We will NOT tolerate harassment, racism, or discrimination. If you act in a manner that makes others feel that they are being mistreated, you may be asked to leave.
Please see below the legal definition of harassment according to the Ontario Human Rights Commission:
“Harassment is defined in subsection 10(1) of the Code as “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.”
Ontario Human Rights Commission - Harassment
What to Do:
- Speak Up: Inform the person to stop the specific behaviour or activity that is making you feel uncomfortable.
- Report: Contact Administration to report the incident.
Physical Contact Policy
Physical interaction during live events must be consensual. Before touching anyone, always ask first.
- Non-Combatants: Players wearing a purple sash cannot and will not engage in combat.
- Spells and Actions: Any actions requiring physical touch can be done with the use of a “Foam Fist” (a foam tube that is approximately 1ft in length) so as to not violate another person’s “Touch Barrier,” in regards to effects that end when the contact is broken. Opponents will hold on to a length of rope or cloth, and the “target” must pull it away from the assailant to break contact.
Note: This policy does not apply to strikes from approved LARP weapons by any persons actively engaging in combat.
Dracanus respects everyone’s chosen pronouns. It is the individual’s responsibility to inform others of their pronouns. While mistakes may happen, we ask players to make an effort to address others correctly. Administration will only take action IF there is suitable cause to believe that a person is INTENTIONALLY misgendering others.
In Regards to Dracanus Content:
Pronouns are used interchangeably and are not intended to exclude anyone.
Personal Possessions
When coming to a live event, you will need to bring the necessary equipment and items for your character. This may include camping gear, weapons, armor, and other miscellaneous items. We at Dracanus do not provide any of the equipment you may need. We take no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged items/gear.
During the game, items may be stolen, borrowed, purchased, gifted, created, destroyed, or have their status of ownership changed in many ways. This does not mean you must surrender the object to anyone as it is YOUR Property. Instead, all items that a person possesses in-game will have an “Item tag” describing what it is. This tag will be handed over to the person that is taking possession of it in-game or handed to the Marshal who will dispose of it.
The player who owns the object will remove it from the play area at their earliest convenience and will not be able to use said object until they role-play gaining a replacement for it. If the object is taken by another, that person must get a suitable phys rep before actively using the object in-game. They may treat the item tag as the object in regards to giving the object away for any reason.
Actual Theft of any item is NOT permitted. Legal actions may be taken in such cases.
All tagged equipment must be either on your person or accessible to everyone in the game (i.e., kept in your tent or bunk in the Inn). Any and ALL in-game gear must be placed in IN GAME AREAS. If you keep an item in your vehicle (parking lot being an OUT OF GAME area), YOU MAY NOT ACCESS that item during the event!
DO NOT carry glass objects on your person as this is a safety concern. Glass items such as bottles, magnifying glasses, and parts of an Alchemy Lab should be kept in a location where they are not at risk of being broken and potentially injuring anyone. Whenever possible, please use plastic.
Weapons and Armor must be inspected by our Administration Safety Officers before they are permitted to be used in-game. The officer will also inform you of how often the item must be inspected, as some items will experience more rugged use and are subjected to more wear and tear than others.
Dracanus strives to maintain a fully immersive experience. Please adhere to these guidelines:
- Turn Off Cellphones: Or at least set them to vibrate/silent so as not to break the immersion for others. If you must take or make a call, please move to an area that is out of the way/sight/hearing of other players. We would much prefer that cell phones are not brought into Active game areas.
- Costuming: Wear something that is appropriate, though we don’t expect anyone to spend an exorbitant amount of money or have a fully handmade outfit, especially if it’s their first time participating in LARP. We do ask that you wear something that is not modern in appearance. A very simple item that is cheap and easy to make that can be used to hide regular clothing is a Tabbard, which can be as simple as a rectangular cloth folded in half with a hole cut to fit one’s head through, with a belt cinching it closed at the waist. We ask that you always look for ways to hide modern-style clothing to the best of your ability.
- Stay In-Character: Avoid out-of-character (OOC) conversation unless clarifying rules or actions.
- Campsites: Minimize modern items or disguise them with immersive coverings (e.g., furs, blankets, camo-nets).
Photography and Video
Here at Dracanus, we have Admin staff that will be taking pictures and video. All persons that wish to participate will be required to sign off on a Photography and Video release form. For the sake of immersion, Admin Photographers will not ask to take pictures or record video. Players that wish to take pictures should ask permission prior to taking pictures of others. If you do not wish to be in a picture or video, please speak with Admin, and we will consider your request.
Manual Changes
Dracanus Administration reserves the right to review and edit the manual and website as necessary.
Interpretation of any rules and policies is at the discretion of the Administration team and Marshals.
ALL IP submitted to Dracanus LARP becomes the property of Dracanus LARP to be used at the discretion of the Administration team.